Wednesday, September 30, 2009

And the gift-buying march to the sea continues.

I bought myself another birthday preseent. Yes, I am hopeless. Yes, it is a hat. A beautiful Frank Olive hat, and I got it for ten bucks on Ebay. It was a steal!

The pictures aren't very good, but they give you an idea of the hat...brown, with feathers, tilted up on one side.

And I want this one so bad I can taste it:


Jane Carlstrom said...

Hi Min,

Say, just got news of a new award for people who wear Hats...... YES! The awards are by HATLIFE mag - this is the first year for consumer/wearer awards. You are the first person who comes to my mind for this award. Please do fill out the nomination, would love to see you win it.

scroll down the first application is for milliners. the second is for the consumer award.

March on in your fabulous hats.


PhantomMinuet said...

I would love to enter. Should I put you down as the person nominating me?

What Min Is Reading on a Rainy Day

  • Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd, Alan Bradley
  • A Fatal Grace, Louise Penny

Min's Current Conditions

My photo
Nashville, TN, United States
If it was a perfect world, I'd be out of a job.