Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The 333 Project had taken over my life.

Last night, while the wind howled, and the rain fell, I pulled stuff out of my Lane chest that hasn't seen the light of day, since I moved into my house in 1998. Then I took that stuff, and the stuff I pulled from my three, count 'em, three clothes closets and packed them up to take to the This'N'That thrift store. I filled three storage containers, and I have enough stuff left to fill a fourth.

Next up, my kitchen.

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What Min Is Reading on a Rainy Day

  • Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd, Alan Bradley
  • A Fatal Grace, Louise Penny

Min's Current Conditions

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Nashville, TN, United States
If it was a perfect world, I'd be out of a job.