This is a vintage Mr. John turban that I bought on Ebay several years ago. It served as my Easter hat four Easters back, and the suit I'm wearing was my Easter suit, at the time.
You can see the asymmetrical bow in the back a little better in this pic:

And as is obvious from both pictures, I really need a haircut. :-\
I love turbans!
And that style and color looks very nice on you.
Yeah...let's work on bringing turbans back!
You look great, but I know how it feels to have bangs needing a trim.
Thanks for posting a hat!
I remember those photos of Liz Taylor wearing a turban and long long eyelashes and blue eyeshadow. I think the turban had a huge rock on it too, and she was wearing this marvelous caftan!
Caftans and turbans! Yes, we should bring them back as weekend wear, providing we have lots of jewelry.
Hope your work week is going well. I'm swamped.
Me, too. I have a hearing tonight, and I'm speaking at a local college tomorrow morning. In a completely different part of the state, I might add. :-\
Can't wait to see the picture of your helicopter!
I passed on a red carpet event in Hollywood tonite. Fer crissakes.... it was for the opening of a store!! Yeah, the swag would've been good, but I'm just swamped.
Wow. You look great. What a fab hat.
Can't wait to see the picture of your helicopter!
I wish. I left my hearing at 10 p.m. (CST), and arrived at my hotel at 2:30 a.m. (EST) I got up at 7 a.m., so I could make my speaking engagement. I spoke for three hours this morning and then drove 3 1/2 hours back to the office. As you might imagine, I'm exhausted.
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